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#1 Thing to Focus on With Your MVP

Coming Soon

How to Build Version 1 of Your Program

Coming Soon

How Much Content Should Be In Your Minimum Viable Product?

Coming Soon

How To Do Cold Outreach To Get Your First Strategy Sessions

Coming Soon

When To Pull the Plug On Your Program

Coming Soon

How to Handle Students Who What the Entire Program

Coming Soon

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How to Build Version 1 of Your Program


About this Lesson

In this lesson, you will discover how to build the first iteration of your online leverage program.

You will learn:

  • Why your first iteration doesn’t have to be perfect
  • The need to pre-sell your program
  • How to pre-sell your program
  • Whom you should sell to
  • How to approach people and get them into a call with you
  • Why getting people into a call with you is value-based
  • Using voice messaging on social media

How to Build Version 1 of Your Program : AUDIO ONLY

by Kim Garst | Designed to Scale™ Leverage

Full Video Transcript

Personal Notes

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Designed to Scale - Kim Garst